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By (Masum) (May 30th 2010, 6:32pm)

2 2,087

By 27+27=54

(Mar 30th 2011, 12:23pm)


By qupido (Mar 22nd 2023, 12:11pm)

0 907

No reply

By qupido (Mar 22nd 2023, 12:07pm)

0 373

No reply

By qupido (Mar 22nd 2023, 12:05pm)

0 634

No reply

By qupido (Mar 22nd 2023, 12:04pm)

0 422

No reply

By usta_37 (Mar 2nd 2011, 8:21pm)

27 12,377

By harbi kız

(Aug 20th 2013, 7:33am)

By TurkEce/GnL (Apr 13th 2013, 3:16pm)

11 1,967

By ByGeNc

(Jul 29th 2013, 1:15am)

By ZeN (Oct 6th 2010, 12:23am)

17 3,758

By ByGeNc

(Jul 25th 2013, 9:05am)

By Melye (Oct 18th 2012, 11:04pm)

4 1,547

By ::ASLI::

(May 23rd 2013, 4:51pm)

By BaBuSh (Jul 7th 2010, 11:05pm)

17 7,228

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 7:09pm)

By BaBuSh (Sep 19th 2011, 11:18pm)

14 2,687

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 7:07pm)

By BaBuSh (Sep 11th 2011, 2:25pm)

17 2,778

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:57pm)

By BaBuSh (Dec 13th 2010, 11:16pm)

20 5,279

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:55pm)

By uSTa (Sep 10th 2011, 7:09pm)

8 2,101

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:54pm)

By _*YAGMUR*_ (Jun 2nd 2010, 11:03pm)

24 7,588

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:52pm)

By E.Günbey (Jan 27th 2012, 11:59am)

8 1,962

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:49pm)

By TurkEce/GnL (Nov 21st 2011, 9:21am)

13 1,967

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:48pm)

By TheCurse (Feb 22nd 2011, 12:43pm)

14 3,526

By Gölqe_

(Nov 12th 2012, 6:47pm)

By TurkEce/GnL (Nov 20th 2011, 4:49pm)

12 1,739

By TurkEce/GnL

(Nov 9th 2012, 9:20am)

By by-kenan (Jul 2nd 2012, 9:29pm)

6 1,204

By ZoRLuSevdaM

(Oct 3rd 2012, 10:56pm)

By yeşilmavi (Jun 1st 2010, 7:00am)

11 3,281

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:27pm)

By (Masum) (Jun 5th 2010, 3:14pm)

17 3,624

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:26pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Jun 8th 2010, 9:32am)

20 5,062

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:25pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Nov 9th 2011, 10:35am)

12 1,560

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:23pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Oct 13th 2011, 11:38pm)

9 1,779

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:23pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Mar 22nd 2011, 1:10am)

14 2,850

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:22pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Mar 20th 2011, 2:51pm)

15 2,786

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:21pm)

By *-*ASİKARDELEN*-* (Feb 28th 2011, 2:57pm)

12 2,230

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:21pm)

By *.REYHAN.* (Dec 26th 2011, 9:46pm)

9 2,064

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:20pm)

By BY_DUSLER (Jan 4th 2012, 1:14pm)

5 1,386

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:19pm)

By _*YAGMUR*_ (Jun 2nd 2010, 11:55pm)

31 8,275

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:19pm)

By Asil-Kurt (May 2nd 2012, 9:09pm)

3 1,554

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:18pm)

By Asil-Kurt (Apr 29th 2012, 8:06pm)

9 1,351

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:17pm)

By €fsunn (Jun 14th 2012, 9:43pm)

11 2,052

By ::ASLI::

(Sep 19th 2012, 11:16pm)

By by-kenan (Aug 4th 2012, 10:15pm)

4 1,189

By by-kenan

(Aug 5th 2012, 10:10pm)

By by-kenan (Jul 29th 2012, 1:50pm)

11 1,433

By Melye

(Jul 30th 2012, 9:04am)

By Asil-Kurt (Apr 19th 2012, 6:32pm)

14 1,666

By MeRaL

(Apr 30th 2012, 4:29pm)

By AlaKaa (Jun 1st 2010, 7:07pm)

23 6,207

By *SUN62*

(Feb 14th 2012, 3:52pm)

By ZeN (Oct 25th 2010, 12:02am)

15 2,618

By *SUN62*

(Jan 4th 2012, 9:19pm)

By Beyaz_Gelıncık (Jun 9th 2010, 9:08am)

21 5,746

By kahkahafm

(Nov 29th 2011, 3:36pm)

By melye (Feb 25th 2011, 4:41pm)

10 1,991

By Melye

(Nov 17th 2011, 2:38pm)

By night27 (Jun 2nd 2010, 4:49pm)

12 3,257

By Siy@h

(Nov 17th 2011, 2:38pm)

By melye (Nov 22nd 2010, 11:20pm)

15 3,549

By Melye

(Nov 17th 2011, 2:31pm)

By AlaKaa (Jun 12th 2010, 3:45pm)

9 3,193

By Siy@h

(Nov 17th 2011, 2:22pm)
