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By Gizem06 (Nov 26th 2019, 11:34am)

1 62

By qupido

(Feb 5th 2021, 3:40pm)

By WHYNOT (Mar 25th 2013, 2:59am)

6 182

By milkychloe

(Dec 28th 2017, 8:11pm)

By Nisa Nisa (Jun 3rd 2013, 7:13pm)

58 840

By milkychloe

(Dec 28th 2017, 8:06pm)

By Ate$.DagL! (Jul 21st 2016, 12:41am)

13 243

By Atilla_Ky

(Jul 24th 2016, 12:46am)

By ZENoBIA (Mar 23rd 2014, 1:28pm)

63 1,070


(Feb 28th 2016, 3:50pm)

By Oqus Pokus (Sep 25th 2012, 11:56am)

9 302

By halil_66

(Jul 30th 2015, 10:57pm)

By dj.müge (Jul 9th 2015, 11:33am)

0 25

No reply

By By.Eray (Dec 6th 2014, 1:51am)

6 116

By By.Eray

(Feb 10th 2015, 5:18pm)

By ALYA (Jan 7th 2015, 11:34am)

2 90


(Jan 8th 2015, 3:53pm)

By By_€x (Nov 14th 2014, 8:33pm)

14 340


(Dec 31st 2014, 4:23pm)

By Tatlıı@Cadı (Nov 2nd 2014, 1:28am)

18 419


(Nov 5th 2014, 6:39pm)

By ZENoBIA (Nov 2nd 2014, 10:10pm)

0 81

No reply

By imageman (Jul 27th 2014, 7:34pm)

18 267

By Guvest

(Aug 1st 2014, 5:46pm)

By VATAN-SEVER (Mar 30th 2014, 11:30pm)

4 144


(Apr 1st 2014, 10:51pm)

By VATAN-SEVER (Mar 29th 2014, 12:07am)

22 372


(Mar 30th 2014, 11:40pm)

By BaBuSh (Mar 6th 2013, 9:03pm)

6 138

By lilastars67

(Nov 17th 2013, 11:36am)

By IzmirLee Kaan (Jul 30th 2013, 8:54pm)

6 130

By IzmirLee Kaan

(Oct 31st 2013, 6:50pm)

By 01antepli27 (Sep 6th 2013, 4:14pm)

2 108

By 01antepli27

(Sep 6th 2013, 6:30pm)

By 1diablo (Oct 4th 2012, 9:22pm)

2 132

By omrum.senindir

(Aug 1st 2013, 1:52pm)

By flatcastradio (Jun 12th 2013, 10:12pm)

2 96

By flatcastradio

(Jun 16th 2013, 9:48pm)

By Guvest (Jun 4th 2013, 1:08am)

35 601

By R-TürK_

(Jun 7th 2013, 2:17pm)

By WHYNOT (Mar 22nd 2013, 11:07am)

26 568

By renksizgazete

(Jun 2nd 2013, 1:46pm)

By karakedi75 (Jul 30th 2012, 11:28pm)

72 1,597


(Mar 24th 2013, 10:35pm)

By TurkEce/GnL (Jan 24th 2013, 7:37am)

16 426

By atilla_ky

(Jan 26th 2013, 11:51am)

By Gölqe_ (Sep 27th 2012, 7:04pm)

4 231


(Oct 15th 2012, 3:32pm)

By 1diablo (Aug 28th 2012, 9:15am)

0 29

No reply

By Türkleydi (Jul 20th 2012, 11:13am)

25 537

By mikail_51

(Aug 10th 2012, 5:19pm)

By ZENoBIA (Jul 3rd 2012, 8:36pm)

22 950


(Aug 3rd 2012, 3:25am)

By Oqus Pokus (Jul 18th 2012, 11:07pm)

28 387

By TurkEce/GnL

(Jul 19th 2012, 11:25pm)
